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Sunny Searches for the  perfect eye doctor

        In Sunny's new adventure, Sunny's cat friend, Mr. Tickle gives her cause to be concerned about her night vision. He does, however, guide Sunny to an eye doctor, "Dr. Hen". Sunny's adventure takes her through her first visit to the eye doctor. She is brave as she goes through the eye tests and learns about her eyes. She makes new friends along the way, especially a great and caring eye doctor, Dr. Hennie.


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My Story


     Dr. June Hysell has kept chickens for decades, and loves her feathery friends. She decided to turn her extra eggs into a way to teach children about embryology, and has  been providing embryology services at no cost to classrooms in the Piedmont area for over 15 years. She has been involved with the 4-H Program and uses 4-H materials to enhance the student experience. 

     Dr. Hysell still had more eggs than class rooms, so she had the bright idea to start a small business, Bright Idea Eggs. She knows that happy hens lay multicolor eggs, and hers range from brown, to white and, blue to green. This back yard enterprise come from the love she has for her pets, and she never cages or modifies her chickens. This also means that eggs are available according to the season, and hens. 

     Later on, Bright Idea Eggs also started making fresh and aged manure available. This high nitrate fertilizer is sold by the pound, but a little bit goes a long way. People interested in any of the services or products that Dr. Hysell or Bright Idea Eggs provide should contact her by e-mail. 


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